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SL Bankman
Publisher: Casio
Series: Casio - flip
Made in: Unknown
Release year: unknown
Model: CG-360
Screen type: LCD
Number of screens: 1
Number of screen layers: 1
Battery type: 2 x AA
Shape: flip
Number of players: 1 player
Case colors:
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Forum link (BBCode):
Casio: SL Bankman[/url]


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# Owner Note
1 Dr Dee Ez engem érdekelne persze jutányos áron és ha van hozzá doboz is!!!
2 donsanya
3 MichaelIntew Planning for your marriage ceremony? Before you can start have you thought about arranging for your engagement photos? Taking some great photos to invite your guest is substantial. It begins your surge as a twosome together for one’s entire life.
As an engagement photographer in Las Vegas I spy with my little eye on every locality in vicinity to snapshot some impressive shots and seize the sentiments of every occasion in the course of time.

Why I am a las vegas wedding portrait photographer and chose to immerse myself with beautiful wedding venues in las vegas and work path Do you have an idea how marvelous it is to have a wedding|a wedding event|a wedding ceremony|a
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&amp;#8220;Whats the reason you have the job you have?&amp;#8221; It is the common problem that is a common cause even the a very confident person to feel inadequate. my family and I are everyday probed why I chose to consume myself with wedding photography. Because have considered my reason, I&amp;#8217;ve found that there are five top facts that often stickout out beyond the most of them. When you have a moment take a look at my blog: <a href=><font color=#000_url>las vegas elope </font></a> I love to build relationships with people that I shoot. I usually tell my clients before they sign up with me that going with a wedding photographer is similar selecting a buddy. You want a photo expert that helps you chill, and feel relaxed during the photography session. I am excited to begin to feel normal. I like building my new friends up. When the wedding is over I am very close to my new friends, and love keeping in touch with them all.
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