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Fishing - Peche au requin
Publisher: Gakken
Series: Gakken - metal card
Made in: Japan
Release year: 1981
Screen type: LCD
Number of screens: 1
Number of screen layers: 1
Battery type: 2 x LR44 or SR44
Shape: rectangular
Number of players: 1 player
Case colors:
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Details Lemons
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Details rinus711


Lemons 2021-12-22 20:20:14.0
Don’t judge a book by its cover.
Lemons 2021-12-22 20:19:12.0
SO EXPENSIVE AND BORING. Trust me. They make you work WAY too hard for this game. Like i begged by parents to get it and they would never so i ended up waiting a YEAR AND A HALF for this stupid game and it turned out to be WAY MORE BORING THAN TOWERING RESCUE. Don’t even get me started on towering rescue!
Lemons 2021-01-14 18:16:12.0
Such a creative idea for an LCD game.
Lemons 2021-01-14 18:15:06.0
Need this game, does anyone have it? I need it boxed and working. my offer is 200$
Lemons 2021-01-12 01:18:55.0
Gakken fishing is lots of money but lots are selling on eBay. You have a lot of chances of getting it but for boxed version not even mint it’s like 651$ lots and lots.
davidhorizon 2012-03-28 23:56:00.0
For some reason this game is very rare. The other games in the "metal card" series: Trojan Horse and Towering Rescue are fairly easy to come by, but this one's really hard to get.

It's a nice game though. Despite the simplicity and crude graphics, its quite fun!
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