Publisher: |
Q&Q |
Series: |
Huge Sound |
Made in: |
Unknown |
Release year: |
unknown |
Model: |
CG-002 |
Screen type: |
Number of screens: |
1 |
Number of screen layers: |
1 |
Touchscreen: |
Color: |
Battery type: |
2 x LR44 or SR44 |
Shape: |
rectangular |
Number of players: |
1 player |
Case colors: |
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Forum link (BBCode):
[url=http://www.handheldempire.com/game.jsp?game=1401][img]http://www.handheldempire.com/game_instance_images/tn_1401_1881_1291063660579_Q_Q_Dracula.jpeg[/img] Q&Q: Dracula[/url]
Overall: |
Graphics: |
Idea: |
Case quality: |
Fun factor: |
1 |
Skfir |
Please guyz! I had this game when I was I child and it got broken. I still remember it - at that time I was in the USSR and of course getting a game like that was nearly impossible. So the loss was such a catastrophe that I still remember it. Please, if anybody has this game for sell, I will buy with eagerness. Just want to bring some part of childhood back and perhaps recover something, which was broken many years ago. So just if anybody is willing to sell, please let me know! |
2 |
AEmch |
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