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Super Mario Bros.
Publisher: Nintendo
Series: Nintendo - new wide screen
Made in: Japan
Release year: 1988
Model: YM-105
Screen type: LCD
Number of screens: 1
Number of screen layers: 1
Battery type: 2 x LR44 or SR44
Shape: rectangular
Number of players: 1 player
Case colors:
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Details DavidWhisky
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Details rinus711
Details Robotube
Details Sakiof
Details SakmaN
Details steve777
Details sutho
Details txxxxx
Details VintageGameCollector
Details xyc
Details zecrou


Sakiof 2017-01-28 04:01:16.0
GamePlay This Game Here
Sakiof 2017-01-12 17:32:52.0
Video Review in Spanish: CLIC HERE
Sakiof 2016-06-18 06:45:03.0
Manual is on line
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